Happy 2018!


Happy New Year my dear readers! It has been a long time since I last posted, I know and I am very sorry for that. 2017 was a year that seemed to stress me out more than anything but this year I have decided to not look back at the old year but rather set fresh new goals, exercise more faith and trust and overall just have a more positive outlook on life in general and not let things I can’t really control get me down.

Last night I chose my one little word for this year, TRUST. I realised as the old year was passing that last year I had feared and worried so much that I simply forgot to trust that things would go as they should and so this year I have decided to trust that the Universe has our back and all things will continue to fall into the place they are supposed to be in. If you have never heard of “one little word” then please, by all means, head over to Ali Edwards’ blog as she was the one who started this tradition of choosing a word to focus on each January. I didn’t choose a word last year and I wish I had because the previous year when I chose EXPLORE I did indeed get to do a lot of that and I think choosing a word each year helps you focus more than you know.

I have set some new goals for the year like a reading challenge, deleting Facebook and other social media apps from my phone so I don’t spend so much time on there and have more time to really enjoy life and also a hiatus from buying more craft supplies this year as I really need to use what I already have. I received some new bits from friends and family which I will use, of course, but I am not purchasing anything new other than the things that get used the most like glue, scotch tape, and the like.

Business related, I want to take a new direction and add more of my own art work into my designs and rely less on stock art/photography. So, lots of attainable goals but ones that can be built upon gradually. My hubby is also embarking on some new goals of his own and we are looking to continue to encourage each other in our endeavours as we always do. He is my rock.

Something I am truly excited about are these books I received as Christmas presents! I am so excited to learn more about each of these subjects and enrich my life and home with the presence of succulents, attract some more song birds to our garden, and lead a cozy hygge life.


I am so grateful for all my friends, family and those who read my posts on here and follow me on social media because it is inspiring to be connected to so many wonderful people on this, our small planetary home. You all are why I share my life with you! I hope I can always inspire and share discoveries with you and be inspired by you in turn! I wish you all the most wonderful New Year!

Here’s a little printable to start your new year off right, for those of you who are planners or project lifers then you won’t want to miss this freebie! These are filler cards/journal cards for January! Just right-click and save! They are for printing in 4″x 6″ size.


Happy New Year! Hope to see you all again soon!

Nadia xoxo

3 thoughts on “Happy 2018!

  1. Happy 2018 to you and Alan. I’m going to be spending less time online in 2018 and I am sure it will make a big difference to how I feel and my productivity. I will try to blog some this year after losing inspiration and motivation for it in 2017.
    I’m looking forward to seeing your artwork. How great that will be.


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